Thursday, June 28, 2007

Reminder: New Trailer Today

Posted by adamcs at 12:45. Category: General

Just a quick reminder that the new trailer, "Looking for that special someone," will go online today at 12 PM EDT, 5 PM in the UK, and 2 AM (June 29th) in Australia. At the time of this post, there is just over 3 hours remaining. Keep an eye on the countdown at the top of this page!

Once the countdown reaches zero, visit the official GTA IV website or Yahoo's Grand Theft Auto page to see the new trailer. Other sites such as EuroGamer, IGN, and GameSpot, including ourselves, should have the trailer up about an hour afterwards.

In other news, the guys at have discovered some new IV artworks on Xbox Live. Check them out:


Also, we are led to believe that the 2 screenshots released yesterday are taken from today's trailer.

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