Thursday, April 23, 2009

GTA 4 PC: GFWL Update Causing Problems

Posted by CharmingCharlie at 16:38. Category: General

On Tuesday 21st April Microsoft released an Update to it's Games For Windows Live interface. The update was mandatory and many users went ahead and updated. It wasn't long before major problems were highlighted these range from :-

  • Massive drop in frame rates
  • periodic stuttering
  • Main Menu refusing to load

A quick poll on GTAforums shows the extent of the problem with nearly 70% voting that the game ran fine before the update but now they are having problems. There has been no official word from either Rockstar or Microsoft on the issue. The only indication we have is a post from a moderator on the Games For Windows Forum :-

I have forwarded these issues along to the appropriate parties

It should be noted that OTHER Games for windows live titles are affected too so this isn't just GTA 4. The best advice at the moment for GTA 4 PC players is to either not update the GFWL interface or if you have already done so then use the Xliveless mod. If you want to share your experiences of this update then you can use the links here :-

GTAforums discussion

LINK : GFW Forum Discussion

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